Meet Caleb Jones

Caleb Jones founded Gen1 Greenhouse at age 15. He developed his interest in plants at age 13 when a neighbor gave him his first plant, a Ghost Plant. Soon after, his parent’s bought him a 7′ x 8′ pop-up greenhouse that he quickly filled with 400 plants!

Caleb soon took to social media and began sharing his knowledge with a growing audience. Some of his most popular videos are

Realizing he needed more space, Caleb took pre-orders for mums in a variety of colors (red, white, yellow, gold, purple, and hot pink.) He used the proceeds from the mums to purchase his own 16′ x 24′ Caterpillar Tunnel house. Since that time, Gen1 held it’s first sale on Memorial Day weekend 2024 of plants raised entirely in-house, including a variety of succulents, lantana, wandering jew, and more.

Caleb worked with the Small Business Development Center to establish his business, and is a member of the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association. He was a guest of the TNLA at the Hort Forum in Grapevine, Texas, in January 2024 and received the support of a number of industry professionals that he met there.

Caleb and Gen1 was featured in the July 2024 issue of Around the Town magazine, a locally produced paper in the East Texas area.

When asked about the name, Gen1 Greenhouse, Caleb’s answer is, “The name Gen1 Greenhouse comes from Genesis 1:12, ‘And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.'” Above all, Caleb wants to bring glory to God.

Follow Gen1 Greenhouse on all major social media platforms using the links at the top and bottom of this page, and watch us grow!