Refund and Returns Policy


Our refund and returns policy lasts 15 days. If 15 days have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer you a full refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a refund you must provide a clear picture or video of your item and its damages at the time of opening. Your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. Additionally, it must have obvious damage or valid reason for return and be returned in the original packaging.

We do not accept refunds or returns on any plant products. We will strictly accept refunds and returns on merchandise or other non-perishable products.

To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.

We cannot guarantee a full refund, as these are determined on a case-by-case basis.

How to return a product

To request a refund, you must email us at and provide us with clear image(s) or video(s) of the damaged item(s) at the time of opening.

Then return the item(s) to us in the original packaging.

Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and you will be notified.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions.